Friday, April 18, 2014

Welcome to my new Blog! :)

Hey everyone. I am new to this, so I will be telling you a few things, so you know what to expect.
1. I will be posting a lot of stuff about MSP (Hackers, bullies, and famous people. Oh, and me too lol.)
2. I will be on my blog when ever I can. I will be posting things that are really urgent if needed.
3. I am in the USA MSP, so if you are in the UK or any other country I am sorry. :( But we can still keep in touch on my blog. :) I will probably be getting a UK MSP account very soon, so don't get discouraged. ;)
4. I can't stand haters. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. You are welcome to say things about me, but deep down in my heart..... I don't care! ;)
5. Do not copy my page and/or the posts that I put. You will be reported :)
Okay! So right now, that's pretty much all you need to know. I hope you enjoy my up-coming blogging and I hope you learn some things from MSP and if you don't have one, you might even get inspired to make one! 
Well, I will start blogging tomorrow, probably.... So..... Stay tuned! ;) Byeee 
